Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Rich Countries Must Be Willing to Help the Poor

The Rich Countries Must Be Willing to Help the PoorThe rich countries must be willing to help the poor and help them in the best way they can, to avoid disaster. Well, that may seem like a cop out but it is not, because in order to avoid such disasters we must be willing to help the poor. It is only by accepting the fact that they are in need of help that people from the rich countries will be willing to help the poor in any way they can.The one question that comes to my mind is: are the rich countries really so willing to help the poor? I believe they are. However, are they willing to do it in a way that involves giving money, because it is not really about money, it is about human feeling.I think it is a shame that there are even some rich countries that try to exploit the poor and try to make a buck out of them, as far as the education is concerned. And when there is a failure to educate the poor do not succeed, they do not succeed because they do not have money. If you study some histories you will find out that some nations who try to educate the poor, do very well.You have to remember that it is not just education that the poor need. They also need food, clothing, housing, medical care, a decent job, and of course education. They also need human interaction with the community. If you cannot empathize with them, you will have trouble understanding why they are going through hard times.If these groups get the help that they need from the rich countries, it would be very good. The rich countries should be willing to share with them their wealth and share some of their success with them. You might want to ask your government officials, asto how much of the wealth of these countries they share with the poor. This is just one reason to ask the rich countries to help the poor.The rich countries must be willing to help the poor by giving them some of their money to help them out. It should not be donated, but used to help in the education of the poor, as well as food, housing, health care and even education. We cannot expect that the wealthy countries will really help the poor if they do not give them anything in return. The rich countries can help in this manner.If you go through history, you will find out that the rich countries have always supported the poor with wealth. What they did was donate some of their wealth to the poor. Now that is different than exploiting the poor.Are the rich countries really willing to help the poor? I believe so.

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